We have definitely found what we love to do together...travel!

When our kids were little we'd go on vacation to visit family.  These trips were spent hanging out and as my kids got older we'd plan more activities.  We found that our time away from home was quality time- even if it was time spent in line together at Disneyland.  We didn't have any outside interferences.  It was just the four of us experiencing something fun together
As we ventured out to visit other places, I loved to spend time researching a city.  I like to know what the area is known for, what is there to explore, what foods are popular, are there tours, any events during our stay...all this information helped me create our itinerary.  We have a bucket list of sorts- where we want to travel, what we want to experience together.  We're usually talking about our next travel before the suitcases are unpacked or the laundry is done. 
Reasons I love to travel...
enjoy new experiences- While there are all sorts of experiences surrounding us each day, there are so many things that you can only do when traveling; climbing a waterfall, zip lining through the jungle, seeing the gas rise from a volcano, wandering through Greek ruins, gazing over Paris from the top of the Eiffel Tower……..the list could go on and on.
new cultures- It is always so meaningful for me to step off the plan and into a “new world”.  I love seeing how people around the world live their daily lives.  We become so programmed and so used to our own way of life that seeing these other cultures is truly an eye opener. 
seeing new things- No matter where you go in the amazing world there is something new to see.
eat new foods- Oh yes, food!  The more I travel the more daring I become when it comes to trying new foods.  When you travel the world you find so many delicious and unique dishes- even right here in the U.S.  Everyone is proud of their food and they enjoy sharing it with others.  Food brings people together.
Relax, recharge, renew I work hard…….most of us do.  As much as I enjoying getting out and about and experiencing local cultures, etc. I truly do enjoy relaxing and recharging my batteries.  Sitting on the beach with my eyes shut and listening to the sound of the waves crash onto the beach renews my mind and keeps me fresh, keeps me sharp.  Makes me excited to return home to work.
sharing new experiences with my family- When you travel as a family you create memories.  When you walk into someone’s home what type of pictures do you see a lot of?  Vacation photos.  You see pictures of the family on the beach, snow skiing, at Disney World, on a cruise, etc.  There is something special about experiencing the world with your family.  Family vacations are so important.  Families need this time together, creating those memories.


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