Sunday, June 30, 2002

San Diego

In the summer of 2002- Ryan was almost four years old and Camille was 1 1/2 years we visited Sand Diego.  So many cute pictures of our cuties!  This is the age to step back and watch them explore...


 this was just the beginning of Ryan's love of legos

 We stopped at the beach, not planning to swim. 
We certainly didn't realize that kids cannot stay out of the water!

 Feeding Frenzy (or as Ryan called it Feeding Fwenzeeeee)
Such a horrible thing- especially for kids of a dentist.  We brushed their teeth after!

Sea World

 After all the running's not surprising this is how the day ended.
We all had so much fun.  Our sweet kiddos make travel so fun.

A few photos of our return visit in August 2008