Thursday, November 19, 2015

San Francisco through the years

I grew up about 50 miles north of San Francisco.  We have spent a lot of time in San Francisco and surrounding areas over the past 20 years.
Some areas/ tourist attractions we have visited multiple times (we can't visit SF without going to Fisherman's Wharf) but, recent years we've been more creative/ adventurous.

Spring 2007-  Visit to the Exploratorium

 China Town- we loved Dim Sum
We tried so many plates but settled on our favorite- pork buns.

Rode cable cars to Ghirardelli Square for ice cream then on to Fisherman's Wharf


July 2010- Jose and I dropped our kids at my parents in Santa Rosa for a week long visit.  We spent the weekend in San Francisco before heading home.  Our hotel was in Sausalito where we could ride the ferry across to San Francisco.

The Ferry Building has a beautiful interior.  It's also filled with so many great shops and restaurants.
We walked from the Ferry building to Coit Tower.  It was a really hot day and a long walk.  We finally got a taxi to take us the last bit to the bottom of these stairs.  The stairs took us to the base of Coit Tower. It was a clear day so we could see all of San Francisco.

 Our last day we found a Shiatsu foot massage place in Sausalito- it was great to get a foot massage while we relaxing.
This page is a compilation of several weekend'll have to guess the year based how tall the kids are and also based on my hair color and style :-/
 Several sculptures in South SF beyond the Ferry Building.  The Bay Bridge is in the background.

Muir Woods- one of the most beautiful places in California.  I grew up coming here to hike the trails.  This is a place we have returned to year after year.

Pier 39...Rocket Boat- this was a speed boat ride under the Bay Bridge over to A T & T Park and back to Golden Gate Bridge.  The driver also drove in circles to spray the passengers with mist of salt water.  Would not do this on a cold day!  A year later we returned...that time the driver was super aggressive and we got really wet.  Kind of like you're on a water ride at Disneyland- you have to walk around the next few hours in wet jeans.

September 2015- Jose and I went for the weekend (kids both had activities on their own).
Tour in GoCar that took us to areas we had not seen before.  Would definitely do it again.  There was a GPS onboard and an informational voice tour as we drove past sights.

 Couldn't pass Ghirardelli Square without getting ice cream!

Dinner at Coqueta...Spanish tapas.  We had eaten here before and loved it. 
Chicharon crusted chicken and English Pea Croquetas with cured naval orange
Iconic Cristal Bread, Tomaca (tomato jam) and House Cured Jamon Serrano (above)
Mediterranean octopus with fingerling potatoes, pimento olive oil (below)
Billy Joel concert at AT&T Park.
We sang and danced to every song but one.  My feet hurt by night's end...too bad we couldn't get a taxi after.  That 1 1/2 mile walk in heels.  aaagggghhhh!

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